Giorgio Tarzia

Giorgio Tarzia

Giorgio Tarzia’s expertise in banking and bankruptcy law has been strengthening throughout the years.

His professional activity progressively has been focusing on consultancy and assistance to Italian banks, both of national and local prominence, with prevalence of judicial defence in lawsuits against insolvency proceedings, and, to a limited extent, in disputes concerning brokerage and banking contracts in general.

By virtue of his professional experience Giorgio Tarzia also cooperates with the Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Italian Banking Association), and was called to participate in the Exclusive Committees created by the Association for the banks mutual consultations in occasion of distress of business groups involving the banking system considerably.

Together with the professional activity he also has a scientific activity, publishing monographs, and essays on specialized journals, participating in miscellaneous works, conferences in several congresses and seminars mainly focused, over the latest years, on the deepening of the bankruptcy law reform.

Giorgio Tarzia


Law Degree at Università degli Studi in Milan with honours.

Bar and other Associations

Authorisation to speak in court and admission to the Bar Association of Milan.
Admission to the Bar of the Italian Supreme Court (Suprema Corte di Cassazione)

Institutional responsibilities

From 2008 to 2015, Chairman of the Bar Committee for training on civil law and civil proceedings law, of lawyers enrolled in the Milan Bar Association.

Session 2003-2004 – Chairman of the nine boards of examiners for the law practice access examinations with the Court of Appeals of Milan.

Scientific Publications

Author of the monograph “Le azioni revocatorie nelle procedure concorsuali”, published in 2003.

Author of the monograph “Il contratto di conto corrente bancario”, published in 2001.

He has been member, for over 20 years, of the Editorial board of the journal “Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali”, published by Ipsoa, while constantly editing, on the very same journal, essays and commentaries concerning law. On a more occasional basis the cooperation with journals such as “Il Foro Italiano”, “Banca, borsa e titoli di credito”, “Rivista di diritto fallimentare”, “Corriere Giuridico”, “Le società”, “Diritto e pratica delle società” (published by Il Sole - 24 Ore)

Participation in miscellaneous works on law and other insolvency proceedings: “Il fallimento e le altre procedure concorsuali” edited by Luciano Panzani, published by Utet 2000, “Trattato di diritto delle procedure concorsuali” published by Giappichelli 2010 and going to press, “Collana di diritto fallimentare” – published by Utet 2010, edited by F. Severini, C. Piccinini, L. Ghia and in press.



